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Everything Under the Sun News

Molly Oldfield

Guardian feature... Everything Under the Sun was included in the Guardian's best podcasts roundup this week! Read the feature below or online here! You can also play my Kid's Quiz in the Guardian every Saturday here!

Everywhere Under the Sun Book! Everywhere Under the Sun is the second book based on the podcast Everything Under the Sun filled with answers to kids' questions! The first book was so popular that we're putting a second book together at the moment with a more global twist! I have a few weeks left to answer all the remaining questions for the new book so this is the last chance to have your child's question included! Do send them over via email to For this last batch of answers, we're looking for questions with a global theme. If any of your little ones have questions about different cultures around the world, any festivals like Diwali, Hanukkah, Pancake Day, Valentine's Day, Ramadan, La Tomatina, Cinqo de Mayo... or anything like that then please do send them in! If you have friends from other countries we'd love to hear their questions, and even have them ask them in their native tongues for the podcast - please do share with them! To find out more about the book and how to send in questions click HERE or you can fill in the forms below and send them to me via email.

New season of Everything Under the Sun Everything Under the Sun is coming back next week with a new season. Guest experts will include Derren Brown, Tim Spector, and scientists from the Natural History Museum! Remember to subscribe to the podcast here so you don't miss out on the new episodes!

Thank you again for the continued enthusiasm and support for Everything Under the Sun! Sending sunshine, Molly x



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